
Require Export Definitions.


Lemma wf_rcd_lookup : forall l R T,
  well_formed_ty R ->
  Tlookup l R = Some T ->
  well_formed_ty T.
Proof with eauto.
  induction R; intros; try solve_by_invert.
  inversion H. unfold Tlookup in H0.
  destruct (eqb l s)...
  inversion H0. subst...

Lemma wf_subtype : forall S T,
  S <: T ->
  well_formed_ty T /\ well_formed_ty S.
Proof with eauto.
  induction 1; try (destruct IHsubtype1; destruct IHsubtype2)...
  split... inversion H. inversion H5...

Lemma wf_has_type : forall Gamma t T,
  Gamma |- t : T ->
  well_formed_ty T.
Proof with eauto.
  induction 1...
  - (* T_App *)
    inversion IHhas_type1...
  - (* T_Proj *)
    eapply wf_rcd_lookup...
  - (* T_Sub *)
    apply wf_subtype in H0.
    destruct H0...

Lemma step_preserves_record_tm : forall tr tr',
  record_tm tr ->
  tr --> tr' ->
  record_tm tr'.
  intros * Hrt Hstp.
  inversion Hrt; subst; inversion Hstp; subst; eauto.

Field Lookup

Lemma rcd_types_match : forall R' R l T,
  R' <: R ->
  Tlookup l R = Some T ->
  exists T', Tlookup l R' = Some T' /\ T' <: T.
Proof with eauto using wf_rcd_lookup.
  intros * Hsub. generalize dependent T.
  induction Hsub; intros Ti Hget; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* S_Refl *)
    exists Ti...
  - (* S_Trans *)
    destruct (IHHsub2 Ti) as [Ui Hui]... destruct Hui.
    destruct (IHHsub1 Ui) as [Si Hsi]... destruct Hsi.
    exists Si...
  - (* S_RcdDepth *)
    rename l0 into k.
    unfold Tlookup. unfold Tlookup in Hget.
    destruct (eqb l k)...
    + (* l = k -- we're looking up the first field *)
      inversion Hget. subst. exists S...
  - (* S_RcdPerm *)
    exists Ti. split.
    + (* lookup *)
      unfold Tlookup. unfold Tlookup in Hget.
      destruct (eqb_spec l l1)...
      * (* l = l1 -- we're looking up the first field *)
        destruct (eqb_spec l l2)...
        (* l = l2 -- contradictory *)
        destruct H0.
    + (* subtype *)
      inversion H. subst. inversion H5. subst...

Lemma lookup_field_in_value : forall r R l T,
  value r ->
  empty |- r : R ->
  Tlookup l R = Some T ->
  exists v, tlookup l r = Some v /\ empty |- v : T.
Proof with eauto.
  remember empty as Gamma.
  intros * Hval Htyp. generalize dependent T.
  induction Htyp; intros; subst; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* T_Sub *)
    apply (rcd_types_match S) in H0...
    destruct H0 as [Si [HgetSi Hsub]].
    eapply IHHtyp in HgetSi...
    destruct HgetSi as [vi [Hget Htyvi]]...
  - (* T_RCons *)
    simpl in H0. simpl. simpl in H1.
    destruct (eqb l l0).
    + (* l is first *)
      injection H1 as H1. subst. exists t...
    + (* l in tail *)
      eapply IHHtyp2 in H1...
      inversion Hval...

Inversion Lemmas

Lemma sub_inversion_arrow : forall S T1 T2,
  S <: <{{ T1 -> T2 }}> ->
  exists S1 S2, S = <{{ S1 -> S2 }}> /\ T1 <: S1 /\ S2 <: T2.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * Hs.
  remember <{{ T1 -> T2 }}> as T.
  generalize dependent T2. generalize dependent T1.
  induction Hs; intros; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* S_Refl *)
    inversion H; subst; try congruence.
    inversion H2; subst.
    exists T1, T2...
  - (* S_Trans *)
    apply IHHs2 in HeqT. destruct HeqT as [S1 [S2 [HeqS [Hsub1 Hsub2]]]].
    apply IHHs1 in HeqS. destruct HeqS as [S3 [S4 [HeqR [Hsub3 Hsub4]]]].
    exists S3, S4...
  - (* S_Arrow *)
    inversion HeqT; subst...

Lemma typing_inversion_abs : forall Gamma x S1 t2 T,
  Gamma |- \x:S1, t2 : T ->
  exists S2, <{{ S1 -> S2 }}> <: T
          /\ (x |-> S1; Gamma) |- t2 : S2.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * H.
  remember <{ \x:S1, t2 }> as t.
  induction H; inversion Heqt; subst; intros; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* T_Abs *)
    assert (Hwf := wf_has_type _ _ _ H0).
    exists T12...
  - (* T_Sub *)
    destruct IHhas_type as [S2 [Hsub Hty]]...

Lemma abs_arrow : forall x S1 s2 T1 T2,
  empty |- \x:S1, s2 : (T1 -> T2) ->
  T1 <: S1 /\ (x |-> S1) |- s2 : T2.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * Hty.
  apply typing_inversion_abs in Hty.
  destruct Hty as [S2 [Hsub Hty]].
  apply sub_inversion_arrow in Hsub.
  destruct Hsub as [U1 [U2 [Heq [Hsub1 Hsub2]]]].
  inversion Heq; subst...


Lemma canonical_forms_of_arrow_types : forall Gamma s T1 T2,
  Gamma |- s : (T1 -> T2) ->
  value s ->
  exists x S1 s2, s = <{ \x:S1, s2 }>.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * Ht.
  remember <{{T1 -> T2}}> as T.
  generalize dependent T2. generalize dependent T1.
  induction Ht; intros; subst; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* T_Abs *)
    inversion H...
  - (* T_Sub *)
    apply sub_inversion_arrow in H.
    destruct H as [S1 [S2 [Heq Hsub]]]...

Theorem progress : forall t T,
  empty |- t : T ->
  value t \/ exists t', t --> t'.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * Ht.
  remember empty as Gamma.
  revert HeqGamma.
  induction Ht; intros HeqGamma; subst...
  - (* T_Var *)
    inversion H.
  - (* T_App *)
    destruct IHHt1; subst...
    + (* t1 is a value *)
      destruct IHHt2; subst...
      * (* t2 is a value *)
        destruct (canonical_forms_of_arrow_types empty t1 T1 T2)
          as [x [S1 [t12 Heqt1]]]...
        subst. exists <{ t12 [x:=t2] }>...
      * (* t2 steps *)
        destruct H0 as [t2' Hstp]. exists <{ t1 t2' }> ...
    + (* t1 steps *)
      destruct H as [t1' Hstp]. exists <{ t1' t2 }>...
  - (* T_Proj *)
    right. destruct IHHt...
    + (* rcd is value *)
      destruct (lookup_field_in_value t R l T)
        as [t' [Hget Ht']]...
    + (* rcd_steps *)
      destruct H0 as [t' Hstp]. exists <{ t' --> l }>...
  - (* T_RCons *)
    destruct IHHt1...
    + (* head is a value *)
      destruct IHHt2...
      * (* tail steps *)
        right. destruct H2 as [tr' Hstp].
        exists <{ l = t :: tr' }>...
    + (* head steps *)
      right. destruct H1 as [t' Hstp].
      exists <{ l = t' :: tr}>...

Weakening Lemmas

Lemma weakening : forall Gamma Gamma' t T,
  inclusion Gamma Gamma' ->
  Gamma |- t : T ->
  Gamma' |- t : T.
  intros * H Ht.
  generalize dependent Gamma'.
  induction Ht; eauto using inclusion_update.

Lemma weakening_empty : forall Gamma t T,
  empty |- t : T ->
  Gamma |- t : T.
  intros *.
  eapply weakening.


Lemma substitution_preserves_typing : forall Gamma x U t v T,
  (x |-> U; Gamma) |- t : T ->
  empty |- v : U ->
  Gamma |- t [x:=v] : T.
  intros * Ht Hv.
  remember (x |-> U; Gamma) as Gamma'.
  generalize dependent Gamma.
  induction Ht; intros Gamma' G; simpl; eauto.
  - (* T_Var *)
    rename x0 into y.
    destruct (eqb_spec x y) as [Hxy|Hxy]; subst.
    + (* x = y *)
      rewrite update_eq in H.
      injection H as H. subst.
      apply weakening_empty. assumption.
    + (* x <> y *)
      apply T_Var; [|assumption].
      rewrite update_neq in H; assumption.
  - (* T_Abs *)
    rename x0 into y. subst.
    destruct (eqb_spec x y) as [Hxy|Hxy]; apply T_Abs; try assumption.
    + (* x = y *)
      subst. rewrite update_shadow in Ht. assumption.
    + (* x <> y *)
      subst. apply IHHt.
      rewrite update_permute; auto.
  - (* rcons *)
    apply T_RCons; eauto.
    inversion H0; subst; simpl; auto.

Theorem preservation : forall t t' T,
  empty |- t : T ->
  t --> t' ->
  empty |- t' : T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * HT. generalize dependent t'.
  remember empty as Gamma.
  induction HT;
      intros t' HE; subst;
      try solve [inversion HE; subst; eauto].
  - (* T_App *)
    inversion HE; subst...
    + (* ST_AppAbs *)
      destruct (abs_arrow _ _ _ _ _ HT1) as [HA1 HA2].
      apply substitution_preserves_typing with T0...
  - (* T_Proj *)
    inversion HE; subst...
    destruct (lookup_field_in_value _ _ _ _ H2 HT H)
      as [vi [Hget Hty]].
    rewrite H4 in Hget. inversion Hget. subst...
  - (* T_RCons *)
    inversion HE; subst...
    eauto using step_preserves_record_tm.

Type Soundness

Corollary type_soundness : forall t t' T,
  empty |- t : T ->
  t -->* t' ->
  ~ stuck t'.
Proof with eauto.
  intros * Ht Hmulti. unfold stuck.
  intros [Hnf Hnot_val]. unfold normal_form in Hnf.
  induction Hmulti.
  - apply progress in Ht. destruct Ht...
  - apply IHHmulti... eapply preservation...